Some Immunological and Cytological Aspects .of The Breast and Uterus Can.cer Patients After Radiotherapy
The- role of radiotherapy in immunological and cytological function of patients. with of breast 'tDd uterus were investigared: Using n:>sette forming T lYJi'lphl)Cytes, white blood cell's and lymphocytes count and distributiQn of micronuclei as parameters . After irradiation . the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes and vvhite blood cells was reduced . The percentage of ro:sette Jorming T
ly mphocytes were· alsu decreased while NBT percentage Of poly
morpho nudcocytes were increased with radiqtherapy . PeripheraJ blood lymphocytes appears iridifferent fonn·s andshows fOrmation of micronuclei . The nwnher of n_,_icronuclci was s·i_gnificantly increased with irradiation {!SJfecially in binuclear lymphocytes compared v dth that before irradiiltlon .