Estimation of Ceruloplasmin activity, and copper, iron levels in ·sera of nor1nal pregnants
This study was undertaken to shed light on the changes of levels of CP
activity, Cu and Fe in sera of .(53) normaJ non-smoker pregnant's without complication, during three1rimestcrs of pregnancy.
G1 inc.l_ude (I 8) pre nants in the 1' 1 tri nester, G2 19) pret:,rp:all.ts _wear
taken m the 2" tnmester and G3 (16) pregnants m the 3rd trunester.
/\nothe.r ('18) ·serum samples were taken from liealthy non-pregnant wqmen
age matched as control·group G4.
Results bowed a significant steady elevation in CP .p:ctivity and senm1
Cu with adv.auccd trimester of pregnancy compand to control. The iron
concentrations in the sera of pregnant women shqwed a s gnilicant reduction compared to control roup also a steady decrease in Fe 1evels with advanced trimester wa.s lound.
The in .reasec..l activities in CP as ·end<.lge11ous antioxidant advanced' pregnancy could be acounter ba1ance to the free· radical gcneral·ion due to the increase in Co eo"ncentration \vilh advance gestation.