Serum Total Sialic Acid and Lipid Bound Sialic. Acid LevelAmong Patients with Different Sites of Oral Cavity C_ancer


  • AI. k. Mohammed
  • M. A. ALAbycru
  • S. S. Naji


S rum  total. siic acid  (TSI\) ·and lipid  bound  sialic  acid {LSA) levels  were detennined by spec.tr0photoinetric me(hods  in 23 patients with oral  cavity cancer(OCC). Of them  5 patients· have carcinoma ·of the anterior 2/3  of  the tongue  with  an avetage  age of { 60±8:0 year:;;}' and 2 males patients with carcinoma of the inner surface of the cheek with an average age  {68±8.0 years·} and 8 patients had carcinomtl of rhflo"Qr of the mouth ,y-tt.h an av.erage {'62±9.0 ye.ars} a11d 8 patients with carcii1otna of the hard palate with an average age {58±8.0 years}. They  were  compated witn 32  healthy  controls;  Signifita,.nt  increase (P<O.OOl) in serum  TSA and LSA levels in overall patients with_ OCC as comparep  to that of nomtal   healthy  controls and more elevated levels of  serum   TSA  and  TSA   in patients  witb  carcinoma  of  the anteri.or 2/.1 of the tongu.e.








How to Cite

Mohammed, A. k. et al. 2017. Serum Total Sialic Acid and Lipid Bound Sialic. Acid LevelAmong Patients with Different Sites of Oral Cavity C_ancer. Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences. 20, 1 (Sep. 2017), 88–99.