Protein bound fucos, protein bound hexose and total calcium in sera of patient with thyroid dysfunction and control
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Protein bound fucose (PBF), protein bound hexose (PBHex), and total calcium {T.Ca) were 'determined in sera of (40) hy-p.ertnyroidism , (40) hypothyroidism patients and (40) controL The resultsr vealed a significant decrease in the kwel of PBF, PBHex and T.Ca in sera of patients with .hyperthyroidism compared to control; Inc se Qf PBF. there nQ difference in its level betwe.en patients with hypothyroidism and control group. While there is a significant increment in PBHex leveli:n both hyper and hypothyroidism With respect to that of control Result indicates, that total calcium levels were i.n the nomml range for all p tients groups. Patient compared to control no difference in the level of (PBF) b tween hypoth.yroid1sm and controL A significant
increa;;.e in the level of PBHex in sera of hyper and hypothy:roidJsm
compared to controlwas found.