Detection of Some Protozoan Parasites That Infect the Human Gastrointestinal Tract
Stool speeimens were collected from pati nts who presented for various medical c:omplaints in out patien.t Laboratories (The Central Health Laboratories / Baghdad,). Every ,$pecim-en wa:s examined by Conventional m jcroscopic exatninatitnl (CME) ·and te.§t d, by IgG ELISA kit.
Antibody against d1e Entamoeba histolylica, det cted by ELISA, has ·the potential to become a vah,mble adjunct to blood diagn9stics and make it more affective, .although there is no repJacement fo'e the
rp.iorosGopicexamination because other potential , pathogens could otherwise escape detection.
Qur .study was conducted .in AL.., Ya.mtok Hospital and the Central
Health Laboratories in Baghdad to identify · thprevalence of E.
hi'sa_lytiaa and Git11•dia lambl'ia uq_ng pati nts who attended these two clinics . General stool examination was -carried out for eacll patient usin,g direct method. The overall rates of protozoal infections with E.histolytica among all diatTheal cases were 4'0.6% ;. 4-2.5% ;40%
;52.8% ; 4T5% ; 49.3 %and 46.1% in years between March 19'99 tq December 2006 respectively (except 2QOJ), and for int c:tion with: G: lami}lia wer 2 .3% ;20% · 15 ,GiJio ;13.6% ·23% ;17.2% and 2 .4% in years from March 1999 to December 200'6 respectivelY {Except
The hi_ghest rate of infection \Â¥ith E. hisroljHica was 52.!)% in
.:2002and for G.lantblitiwas (23.4), % ii1 2:096. The highest rate· of