Synthesis and Characterization of New ligand ' ((2-{1..,[(2-hyd_roxy;..benzyli_dene)-hydrazono]- ethyl} benzen_e-l, 3, s--moll and ItComplexes W·itll. (Mn.(11 Fe(n), Cd<11J, a-nd Hg(n).) Tons
In :the _pr sent _paper we report ths. ynthesis ·of a new li:ga!!d..
[f4LJ [{'2 {1-'[(2-hyd•:0xy-.ben:zy1i.den·e)..,bxcJrazanci}:etby-l }benzerieÂ
J,5 t;rtiol .aad its complexes ·w-ith '('Mlif(1 J Fev 1 ), ed(J'l), and. :f.::I:g 01>-)
The ligand \VS preP..ated rin tWo steps' • fp I t}Je nrst stea -soJutiQil Qf
-saUcyla[deeyeq. ip methatt:oJ . re3ctcd lU1der reflux wtili
hyd inem:onohydr1ite to give P.
' intermediate compo11nd which
.reade4 iU_ the SeCOr)d :Step W-ith 2·,4,6-trihydrQX:id monohydrate !Jivi_Qg
the mentioned I-i-d . The :<;omple·xes w.ere . s.y)lfuesjs b:y dhect
reactif,')n of ·the·c-otresp.ond-ing .metl chlqr.ide with ligand • The Hg nd and tbcqmple. e ):}.ay· been cha-ra:c.teyized by spectr.osc.opic rtiethdds [ Fl "NMR iR U.V-ViS, , atomic :absorptimil, IWLc- II:)"icrmmalysls
al9ng: with co_nctuctivi-t:y measurements.
E'rom the above data the
!?f. posM rlioieG:at uctur
for c0mplexes [MQ(H2LJ] , '[feCH L)L[
9 f(T:i2J,.,)J 'and '[Hg(H2L)] ,Were found ta. be- an tetrahedral -S ACt Jre
-abO\lt :meta[ ions: · - -