Synthesis and Charact'erizatio.n of new Schiff base ligand [(2-{1-[(2 hydraxy benzylidene)-hydrazono]-ethyl} benzene-I, 3, 5--triol.] and it's CQmp.lexes. with Co en\ Ni . (U),, c·u(U)' and · zn(II).
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The eaction of 2 4 .6-trihydroxyactophenonemonohydra1e with
l hydr.azine monohydrate was realized ti·nder reflu.(( in methanol and i:l.
Jew drops of glacial acetic acid added to give lhe'(int rmediate)
2-(1hydr pno-ctbyt)-benzcne-·1.3.5-r:Qql, which reacted wittl
saEcy.laldehyde. jn methm)ql to gjy;e 'a new :tyRe CNzOi) Ligand (H:flL]
f(2-{1-[(2-=bydroxy-bertzylide·ne)-bydrazqoo,J-e·thy.1}bcnze·neJ ;3·,5
trio] . The ligand wa,-, reacted with Mct2 (where· M=Co. Ni, CU., :and ttl') under ,refltiX in met11a11<;>l with t-1 :1) rati.o ro give complexes t:lie genera[ fomn.da [)\;4 (HzLJl. All' comppunds have been c'hrn;'C\c.tedzed by spec_ troscopic methpds [1H 1\;fMR IR. U.V-Vis; BPLC. atomic absorp ion] mi.croanalys1s along w:ith Ctllnductivity rneasu.r []1er.n: From the above .dat· (he prpposed· molecular struc;LI,.Ire for reo (I f2I.)]., [Cu (H.2:L)], - .
JZn. CH2L)] complexes may adopt a tetrahedraL struct\!Jre. While squ;u
planar geometry was sugge,stcd foT Ni (IJ) complex.