Synthesis OF Ligands O.F BIS-Oxadiazole Triazole Witb Open OR Close Sides and Their Complxes With (Ctlf, Pdll) -
A OUI,tiper of LWW lig_;:tnds .of ppen sides. of Bis-'Oxad1azoJe· and·
Bis-triazole derived from dichloroetbane and [Bis 0-ohloro et!:ty)
= :=:: =
ether)] (BCEE)' wersynthesi:zed. These inelude: 1, 4- bis[-3{thio- 2 -
. (Chloro·ethyl)l1 1;4 - oxadiazole ......$yl] butane (-L I);1 4 B'is {phenl-
3{thio - 2 ( 2 -chloroethoxy)- ethyl} 1 3A- oxadiazole-5yl) butane (t2)'l His [4-_ph nyl -3{thio(chloro thy:l)}1; ,4 - ttiazoJ Syl] methane (L1) Bis[ phehyl-3{, thi-0- 2( 2-chloroethoxy) ethyl} 1,,2:,4- triazole- 5yl]
: =
methane (L:4) 1,. 2- bi[<.1- . pnenyl: -3 {tbio- 2 (cb.loroethy1}} L,2,4-
triazo1e - 5yl]ethane; :lll()T!O.di.mefuyl sulphoxide (Ls), l,2- Bis [4. pbenyl -3 {thio- 2( 2- chloroethoxy) ethyl-} 1,2,4 - triazole - 5) ] ethane (L ) and 1,4 - Bis [4-phenyl """'"3 {thio-2 ..(chloroe-thyl)} 1,2,4-
triazole - SyL] butane; mono Jiphoxide (L 7) re pecti.vely.
Thi$ was prepared £tom the rea tiqn of · one mple of the fol'lowing
¢ompounds: 1, 4: - Hi\5 t2-thio- 1- 3.4 -oxadiazole 5yiJ ,butane (M.1), Bis- (4-phen:yl-3Ahio1-1 2.4 -friazole -S.ylmethane (M 2), 1, 2-- is (fhph·nyl-J- thiol-l ,t.4- triazci'le-5yl) ethane (fv[3) and 1 ,4His
[4-phenyl -J. - .t hio\ - 1. 2, 4 - tri l mle - 5 ylJ butane . ( 4)
re-spectively \\lith two moleof qichl oethane and (BCEE) and two
moles of s6dium hydroxide. In. :adtt:ition new c-lose lig-ands of BlsÂ
o adiazofam;! derivati ves with !)ot;ne- of th. ir coro._pl es
bf coppei'· and palladium were synthesLzed. The ligands.. were