Separation Axioms via Ǐ ­ Semi­ g­ Open Sets

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M. A. Abdel Karim
A. I. Nasir


   The notions Ç­semi­g­closedness and Ç­semi­g­openness were used to generalize and introduced new classes of separation axioms in ideal spaces. Many relations among several sorts of these classes are summarized, also.

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How to Cite
Abdel Karim, M.A. and Nasir, A.I. 2020. Separation Axioms via Ǐ ­ Semi­ g­ Open Sets. Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences. 33, 1 (Jan. 2020), 157–161. DOI:

How to Cite

Abdel Karim, M.A. and Nasir, A.I. 2020. Separation Axioms via Ǐ ­ Semi­ g­ Open Sets. Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences. 33, 1 (Jan. 2020), 157–161. DOI:

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