(θ1,θ2) - Derivation Pair on Rings
ring theory, derivation theory, prime ring, derivation pair, semiprime ringAbstract
Ring theory is one of the influential branches of abstract algebra. In this field, many algebraic problems have been considered by mathematical researchers who are working in this field. However, some new concepts have been created and developed to present some algebraic structures with their properties. Rings with derivations have been studied fifty years ago, especially the relationships between the derivations and the structure of a ring. By using the notatin of derivation, many results have been obtained in the literature with different types of derivations. In this paper, the concept of the derivation theory of a ring has been considered. This study presented the definition of
Ring theory is one of the influential branches of abstract algebra. In this field, many algebraic problems have been considered by mathematical researchers who are working in this field. However, some new concepts have been created and developed to present some algebraic structures with their properties. Rings with derivations have been studied fifty years ago, especially the relationships between the derivations and the structure of a ring. By using the notatin of derivation, many results have been obtained in the literature with different types of derivations. In this paper, the concept of the derivation theory of a ring has been considered. This study presented the definition of (θ1,θ2) derivation pair and Jordan (θ1,θ2)-derivation pair on an associative ring Γ, and the relation between them. Furthermore, we study the concept of prime rings under this notion by introducing some of its properties where θ1 and θ2 are two mappings of Γ into itself.
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