Modified Ranking Function to Compute Fuzzy Matrix Games
Game theory problems (GTP) frequently occur in Economy, Business Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Military Activities, and so on are some of the subjects covered. To tackle the uncertainty in Games, the analysis of games in which the payoffs are represented by fuzzy numbers (FN) will benefit from fuzzy set theory (FST).
The purpose of this paper is to develop an efficient technique for solving constraint matrix games (MG) with payoff trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TFN). The description of the new ranking method is introduced for a constrained matrix with TFN and values. Stock market forecasting has been one of the most important research areas for decades. Stock market values are volatile, non-linear, complicated and chaotic. Based on a ranking function (RF), we used a new algorithm to solve the fuzzy game problem (FGP) employing TFN and also to try to get a desirable gain. Centered on the latest proposed ranking algorithm, the Fuzzy decision method is designed to analyze possible stock opportunists.
The paper considers a zero-sum game for two persons in which TFN are fuzzy payoffs. A ranking method (RM) is proposed to convert TFN into crisp numbers (CN) and it is used to solve FGP. The fuzzy game (FG) issue with concept strategies pure minimax maximin is presented. This problem is converted into the crisp problem by a new RF and then solved using the arithmetic (oddment) method. With the help of numerical examples, the suggested technique is explained. This paper finalizes the conclusion and includes an outlook for future study in this direction
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