Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing Submodule(I)
Let be a module over a commutative ring with identity. In this paper we intoduce the concept of Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule, where a proper submodule of an -module is said to be Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule of if whenever , for implies that either or , this concept is a generalization of 2_Absorbing submodule, semi 2-Absorbing submodule, and strong form of (Nearly–2–Absorbing, Pseudo_2_Absorbing, and Nearly Semi–2–Absorbing) submodules. Several properties characterizations, and examples concerning this new notion are given. We study the relation between Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing submodule and (2_Absorbing, Nearly_2_Absorbing, Pseudo_2_Absorbing, and Nearly Semi–2–Absorbing) submodules and the converse of this relation is true under certain condition. Also, we introduced many characterizations of Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing submodules in some types of modules.
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