Effect of Curcuma longa alcoholic extract on Mice Embryos Development
Curcuma Longa, embryonic malformation, Micromelia, teratogenic effects.Abstract
This study focused on determining the effect of the alcoholic extract of curcuma longa on mouse embryo, twenty adult white Swiss mice used in this study. Experimental animals were divided into four groups with six mice for each group. For mating occur, 3 females and male were placed in cage. It was confirmed that the mating took place when examining the next morning and watching the vaginal plug, and considered that the day after mating is the first day of the pregnancy. We prepared three subs lethal concentrations of curcuma longa were applied to Experimental groups except control group, 10 mg/kg, 50 mg kg/ and 100 mg/kg. From 7-14 of pregnancy we were given the pregnant mice 0.1 ml per 10 gm body weight. After 18 of pregnancy we extracted the embryo to study the effect of alcoholic extract and weights and lengths embryos and study the embryo malformation, as well as a study the weight of mice before and after experiment. This study shows a significant (P<0.01) decrease in the body weight of mice that treated with three concentrations (10 -50 -100) mg/kg compared with control group, but there is not significant different in lengths and weights of mice embryos .concentrations 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg show much malformation induced in the mice compared with embryos of control group, include cleft lips, hemorrhage, and Micromelia , as well as we observed absorbed embryos in 50 mg/kg and 100mg/kg . This study concluded that alcoholic extract of (curcuma longa) has teratogenic effects on embryos of mice.
Keywords: curcuma longa, embryonic malformation, Micromelia , teratogenic effects.
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