Study the Quality of IMRT and VMAT Treatment Planning Techniques (TPS) Using Indices of Achievement (IOA) Nasopharyngeal Cancer Plans
IMRT, VMAT, Indice of Achievements, Nasopharyngeal, Gross Target VolumeAbstract
Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) are comparable for nasopharyngeal cancerous radiation therapy. This research intends to analyze the high-quality plan using accomplishment, conformance, and homogeneity criteria.
The study involved 40 patients with a postnasal cancerous tumor. The patients underwent computed tomography (CT) simulation to scan the anatomical details of the patients' heads. Then, their data was forwarded to the treatment planning system (TPS) workstation for IMRT and VMAT planning. The plans were evaluated using the IOA, HI, and CI indices.
The nasopharynx coverage results consist of the GTV and PTV at 95%. The statistical study reveals that VMAT provides much more coverage than IMRT for 95% GTV and 95% PTV. The results reveal that VMAT has a substantially better-quality plan (IOA) than IMRT. IMRT provides a superior CI, but VMAT protects the cochlea and optic nerves more effectively. In addition, the IMRT is advantageous for the preservation of additional OARs. There is no statistical difference in protection for the mandible and parotid glands between the two procedures. The VMAT has superior coverage for the gross and planned target volumes and achievement indices. The conformity of IMRT in the tumor target area is better, while VMAT can better protect the cochlea and optic nerves.
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