Centralizer on Lie-ideal of Semi-prime Inverse Semi-ring





Lie-ideal, prime inverse semi-ring, semi-prime inverse semi-ring, α-centralizer, jordan α-centralizer


    The summary purpose of this work: We extending certain results on α-centralizer of inverse semiring under specific conditions, achieve new results on lie ideal of inverse semiring with some consequent collieries, generalize assorted α-centralizer for lie ideal of inverse semiring with some collieries, investigate significant theorems on jordan α-centralizer of prime inverse semiring and we extend certain results of centralizers and jordan centralizers on lie-ideals of prime semi-rings to prime inverse semi-ring, we generalizing the results of Mary in to α-centralizer on semiring, Also we generalize our results on lie ideals of inverse semiring. We extending the results of Shafiq,  Aslam,  Javed to  centralizer of Inverse semiring.  (right) ”V, we get the output R is a left (right) on ”If it where V, , and  We also get the following output  R is    .

Author Biographies

  • Ali JA. Abass , Department of Mathematics, College, of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


  • Mohammed Yasin, Department of Mathematics, An-Najah National University, Nablus P400, Palestine


  • Shrooq Bahjat Smeein , Department of Information -Section Mathematics, University of Technology and Applied Science - Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.



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How to Cite

JA. Abass , A. et al. 2025. Centralizer on Lie-ideal of Semi-prime Inverse Semi-ring. Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences. 38, 1 (Jan. 2025), 397–406. DOI:https://doi.org/10.30526/38.1.3482.