Timewise–dependent Coefficients Identification Problems for Third-Order Pseudo-Parabolic Equations from Nonlocal Extra Conditions
Pseudoparabolic inverse problem, Tikhonov regularization method, Finite difference method, Von Neumann stability analysisAbstract
This study aims to find the time-dependent potential terms in the two inverse problems of the third-order pseudo-parabolic with initial and various boundary conditions supplemented by the overdetermination data. The nonlinear inverse problems have significant applications in physics and engineering fields. We proved the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the two problems are being proved, but they still need to be proposed (since tiny perturbations in input data cause considerable errors in the output potential term). Consequently, the regularized methods should be employed. A finite difference schema is used for solving direct problems. In contrast, the inverse problems were reformulated as nonlinear least-square minimization and solved efficiently by optimizing MATLAB routine lsqnonlin. Tikhonov's regularization method was applied to get stable results. The numerical results were explained by presenting a test example for each problem. In addition, the stability was discussed by utilizing the Von Neumann stability analysis. The results showed that the time-dependent potential terms were reconstructed successfully and were stable and accurate.
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