On Fully Semiprime Submodules and Fully Semiprime Modules

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I.M.A. Hadi
B.N. Shihab


   Let R be a commutative ring with unity and let M be a unitary R-module. In this paper we study fully semiprime submodules and fully semiprime modules, where a proper fully invariant R-submodule W of M is called fully semiprime in M if whenever XXïƒW for all fully invariant R-submodule X of M, implies XïƒW.         M is called fully semiprime if (0) is a fully semiprime submodule of M. We give basic properties of these concepts. Also we study the relationships between fully semiprime submodules (modules) and other related submodules (modules) respectively.

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How to Cite
On Fully Semiprime Submodules and Fully Semiprime Modules. (2017). Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences, 24(2). https://jih.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/j/article/view/779

How to Cite

On Fully Semiprime Submodules and Fully Semiprime Modules. (2017). Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences, 24(2). https://jih.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/j/article/view/779

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