Study of the Dielectric Properties Ceramics Specimens Prepared from Alumina and MgO

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S. A. Maki
Z. T. Al-Dahan
Sh. K. Abd Al-Hassan


A study carried out on ceramic material made at (a-Al2O3) doped with MgO (0.5 , 0.3 , 0.2,0.1)%,with particle size at 63mm.
A Hydraulic press of 5kn at diameter of 2cm.A nnalelling at 1500Co and 6 hrs still to see the effect on the changes of the dielectric material. With frequency range at (1K – 1M) Hz. And the result show that at percentage of 0.5% of MgO, the real dielectric material decreased with the increased frequency

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How to Cite
Maki, S.A. et al. 2016. Study of the Dielectric Properties Ceramics Specimens Prepared from Alumina and MgO. Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences. 24, 3 (Dec. 2016).

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