The manuscript is subjected to Turnitin's plagiarism detection software before sending to reviewers.


Publishing Instructions

The instructions below are divided into three sections (research template, writing references, and instructions for authors), as follows:


1. Manuscript Template

  • - The Manuscript must be written in English only.
  • - An Abstract should be provided of about (150 to 300) words.
  • - Prepare text using MS Word 2016 and above.
  • - Paper size: A4, the margins should be 1 cm Top, 2 cm Bottom, and 2.5 cm Right and Lift).
  • - The Page layout should be one column.
  • - Font type: Times New Roman.
  • - Manuscript text: 12 points.
  • - Title: 14 points, bold, centered. (Authors can use commas, colons, or en dashes. Italics should only be used where they are required for specific nomenclature (such as species names or journal titles) but should not be used for emphasis. In addition, avoid abbreviations and jargon that those outside of your field may not understand.)  
  • - Authors' Names: 12 points, bold, centered.
  • - Authors affiliations and E-mail: 11 points,
  • - The manuscript main titles such as (abstract, introduction, material, methods of work, results, and discussion): 12 points, bold.
  • - The keywords are written under the Abstract (4-6) keywords.
  • - The full word "Figure" is used as a heading under the shape or what it represents. Figures should be numbered sequentially through the text Figure 1 and should be referenced in the text as Figure 
  • - Tables and shapes are placed in the results in the sequence mentioned, not at the end of the manuscript.
  • - All numbers are written in the Arabic numerals system (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ...,15 )
  • - The authors can separate or merge the results with the discussion.
  • - If any paper exceeds 10 journal pages, preferably we reduce it to 10 if possible, or extra fees should be paid.
  • - Make sure that your paper is prepared using the Journal template before submitting it to the IHJPAS journal.


2 . Writing References (IHJPAS uses Administrative Sciences citation style)

- References are written only in the English language

- References font size must be 11.

- 50% of references are recent and are within the last 5 years.

- Conference references should not exceed 20% of the total references number.

- Find articles published in our journal, related to the topic of your research and cite at least two of them.

- Add a DOI link to all articles mentioned in references, at the end after the page numbers (if the article has no DOI, please add the article’s URL)

- References to papers accepted but not published should be designated as “in the press” or “forthcoming”; authors should obtain written permission to cite such papers as well as verification that they have been accepted for publication. State the journal name and, if possible, the year and volume.


The information below shows the citation process (Administrative Sciences): -

Journal article

Author 1, A.B.; Author 2, C.D. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Name Year, Volume, page range. http//:doioooooooooooooo

  • Ex:
  1. McKinney, J.D. Technology: Photonics Illuminates the Future of Radar. Nature2014507, 310–311.
  2. Li, X.; Xu, J. Dietary and Circulating Lycopene and Stroke Risk: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies.  Rep.20144, 5031.
  3. Spencer, T.J.; Osborn, T.; Kohl, P.A. Materials Science. High-Frequency Chip Connections. Science2008320, 756–757.
  4. Wang, Y.-Q.; Jiang, R.; Kolomeisky, A.B.; Hu, M.-B. Bulk Induced Phase Transition in Driven Diffusive Systems.  Rep.20144, 5459.


Books and book chapters

Here are examples of references for authored and edited books as well as book chapters.

An authored book

Stocker, A.A. Analog VLSI Circuits for the Perception of Visual Motion; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, UK, 2006; ISBN 9780470034897.


An edited book

Härdle, W.K. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis; Simar, L., Ed.; 3rd ed. 2012.; Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012; ISBN 9783642172281.


A chapter in an edited book

Hadjiona, M.; Georgiou, C.; Papa, M.; Vassiliou, V. A Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Algorithm for MPLS Networks. In Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 6th International Conference, WWIC 2008 Tampere, Finland, May 28-30, 2008 Proceedings; Harju, J., Heijenk, G., Langendörfer, P., Siris, V.A., Eds.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008; pp. 41–52 ISBN 9783540688051.


Thesis and dissertations

Author AA. Title of thesis: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.


 Zhou, Y. Resource Management in Wireless Networks: Queue Management and Scheduling in Mesh Networks and Multi-Access Control in Internetworking Systems. Doctoral dissertation, George Washington University: Washington, DC, 2010.

In-text citations

References should be cited in the text by sequential numbers in square brackets:

This sentence cites one reference [1].
This sentence cites two references [1,2].
This sentence cites four references [1–4].

For more details please view more info at:


3. Instructions for Authors

- The manuscript is sent using the Submission system on the journal website.

- The manuscript is subject to the Turnitin plagiarism detection software before sending to reviewers.

- The referenced facts adopted in the manuscript should not be taken from arbitrary Internet sites, but only those that rely on research published in international or local journals, books, dissertations, and thesis.

- The research undertaking and submission request a Cover Letter , Copyright Form, and Declaration Form that should be completed formally and submitted before the journal takes any action.

- The amount of (125,000) Iraqi Dinars for publication fees after acceptance of the manuscript.

- Submission fees and publication fees are dropped for the first manuscript published by foreign authors.

- The author must incorporate revisions required by referees within a maximum period of 60 days; however, the final copy of the manuscript should be viewed and approved by the author within three days maximum.

- The author/s should be declared if any national or international organizations explicitly cover such fees for articles originating in funded research projects. If the author/s do not announce it and if the grant authorities have a conflict, in this case, the manuscript will be rejected in any process of publishing, while if the paper is published in this case, the journal marked on the paper as "retracted ".



Prof. Dr. Nahla A. Al-Bakri

Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Sciences

College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn AI-Haitham

University of Baghdad

Al-Adhamiyah / Baghdad P.O. Box

Web site:

E-mail: [email protected]

Mobile +9647715613235